Tuesday, February 10, 2009

new post

New Post; Okay take a deep breathe I know its hard to imagine but this is one of my new goals, to blog more. I get so much out of reading other blogs that a thought crossed my mind it is that maybe someone, somewhere, out there, (okay that was a quote that fable from American tale would use), anyways the thought continues that I think someone could benefit from my blog.
To actually comment on something today is the fact that Children's ministry is so tightly wrapped with Parents and family ministry, its not a one sided job. It's something that if it comes into focus then ministry at any stage will be more effective. I think the problem is when we as children's pastors or workers believe that our job only encompasses children's ministry. Goal for now, to not over look children in general but to work along side, with and through parents and families inorder to ministry to children on a much greater level.
Any comments ?


Sam Luce said...

Good for you stay with it. It's good for all of us to hear what you have to say. It's good for you, to put your thoughts out there and connect with other CP's

Tim Inman said...

Great start on your new blog. I think I have to agree that connecting with parents is very important to anyone who wants to help kids.

Living-4-Christ said...

Hay PJ, it's macaliah,I think the new blog rocks! And I hope you stick with it, because I know it will help people to hear what you say! Seeya Sunday!

P.s. Check out my blog!