Friday, February 27, 2009

It's NEVER to late to CHANGE

I would assume that you have heard this statement before or perhaps you have even said it to someone maybe even while witnessing telling someone who thinks they are far past gone that it is never to late to change but I'm not going that route today!!!!!
Today I'm thinking that its never to late to change your children's ministry. I think one of the greatest pieces of advice I received when starting children's ministry in Farmville was from our Youth pastor at the time and now our Associates pastor. He said " constantly re-evaulate". Its nice to hear from some that its okay to constantly change when something works good, striving for it to be great. That day I felt pressure melt in a sense that I could try and try and try again until something clicked and when it clicked to strive to make it better.
The reason I sign up to read all of these blogs that I do, to sign up on twitter, I do all of this to grow, to become a better children's pastor to learn more (knowledge is power). I never want to be satisfied I want to always go for more always learning, and reading, constantly growing. Thats my passion, I'm not satisfied and I pray that I never will be, but always have the hunger for more.
So Guys and Gals, shephards of the children, leaders of the next generation, GUESS WHAT ....
It's NEVER to late to CHANGE!!!

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